Svolta clamorosa nel processo Nigrelli che si sta svolgendo a Mantova: il pubblico ministero Antonino Condorelli, procuratore capo della Repubblica di Mantova, ha concluso la sua requisitoria chiedendo l'assoluzione per Beppe Saronni, Fabrizio Bontempi e Maurizio Piovani, dirigenti della Lampre a carico dei quali non è stata identificata alcuna prova diretta, oltre che per Damiano Cunego e Mauro Santambrogio. Restano invece l'accusa per Alessandro Ballan di aver fatto ricorso a pratiche dopanti (il corridore veneto ha già scontato la squalifica per il caso dell'ozonoterapia) e per il farmacista mamtovano Guido Nigrelli, a carico del quale restano ovviamente responsabilità individuali.
Resounding in the process turning Nagarkar which is taking place in Mantua: the Prosecutor Antonino Chan, Chief Prosecutor of the Republic, ended his indictment asking for absolution Beppe Saronni, Fabrizio Bontempi and Maurizio Piovani, Lampre's executives at the expense of which was not identified any direct evidence, as well as Damiano Cunego and Mauro Santambrogio. Are charges for Alessandro Ballan have resorted to doping practices (veneto runner has already served the disqualification for the case of ozone) and for the pharmacist mamtovano Guido Nigrelli, which are of course individual responsibility.

Sensational breakthrough in Nigrelli process that is taking place in your Mantova public prosecutor Antonino Condorelli, Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Mantua, ended his tirade by asking absolution for Beppe Saronni, Fabrizio Bontempi and Maurizio Piovani, Lampre executives in charge of which has not been identified no direct evidence, as well as Damiano Cunego and Mauro Santambrogio. Remain to the charge for Alessandro Ballan had resorted to doping practices (the runner Venetian has already served the suspension in the case of ozone) and pharmacist mamtovano Guido Nigrelli, out of which are of course individual responsibility.

Turn resounding in Nigrelli process which is taking place in Mantua: the public prosecutor Antonino Condorelli, chief prosecutor of the Republic of Mantova, concluded his indictment by asking the acquittal for Beppe Saronni, Fabrizio Bontempi and Maurizio Piovani, leaders of the Lampre borne of which we have not identified any direct evidence,In addition to Damiano Cunego and Mauro Santambrogio. Instead remain the accusation for Alessandro Ballan have resorted to doping practices (the runner veneto has already discounted the disqualification for the case of the ozone therapy) and for the pharmacist mamtovano Guido Nigrelli, a load of which remain of course individual responsibilities.