Quando il SENSORE INTELLIGENTE rileva il movimento di persone, regola 翻訳 - Quando il SENSORE INTELLIGENTE rileva il movimento di persone, regola 英語言う方法


Quando il SENSORE INTELLIGENTE rileva il movimento di persone, regola la direzione del flusso d’aria verso l’alto (durante il funzionamento RAFFREDDAMENTO) e verso il basso (durante il funzionamento RISCALDAMENTO), regolando i deflettori.
Quando il sensore rileva la presenza di persone, le lamine dirigeranno il flusso d’aria in modo tale che non sarà rivolto direttamente verso di loro. In assenza persone, il condizionatore d’aria entrerà in funzionamento risparmio energetico dopo 20 minuti.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
when the smart sensor detects the movement of people, for adjusting the direction of air flow upwards (during the cooling operation) and down (during the heating operation), adjusting the baffles.
when the sensor detects the presence of people, the blades direct the air flow in such a way that it will not be aimed directly towards them.without people, the air conditioner will operate power save after 20 minutes.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
When the INTELLIGENT SENSOR detects the movement of persons, regulates the airflow direction upwards (during COOLING operation) and downward (during heating), adjusting the deflectors.
When the sensor detects the presence of persons, lamine will direct the airflow so that it will not be aimed directly at them. Without people, the air conditioner will go into power-saving mode after 20 minutes.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
When the intelligent sensor detects the movement of persons, adjusts the direction of air flow upwards (during the cooling operation) and down (during the heating operation), by adjusting the deflectors.
when the sensor detects the presence of people, the laminae directs the flow of air in such a way that it will not be facing directly toward them.In the absence people, the air conditioner will come into operation energy savings after 20 minutes.
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