E avvicinandosi ancor più, vide che in quelle valli
saltellavano animali graziosi di tutte le razze,
mentre degli omini piccolissimi,
un po' buffi
ma in fin dei conti graziosi,
potavano le piante, davano mangime agli uccelli,
tagliavano l’erba,
oppure nuotavano beati
in fiumi e torrenti dall'acqua così limpida
che si potevano vedere sul fondo
miriadi di pesci multicolori.
And even more so, saw that in those valleys graceful animals of all breeds, hopped While little tiny,a little funnybut ultimately charming, pruned plants, they feed the birds cut the grass,or swam beati in rivers and streams from water so clear you could see the bottom myriads of colorful fish.

And even more closer, he saw that in those valleys
hopped graceful animals of all races,
while tiny little men,
a bit 'funny
but in the graceful accounts,
pruned the plants, gave food to the birds,
cut the grass,
or swimming blessed
in rivers and streams of the water so clear
you could see to the bottom
myriad of multicolored fish.