«Quanto a lasciar venire qui quegli gnomi di Gnù, occorre pensarci. Bi翻訳 - «Quanto a lasciar venire qui quegli gnomi di Gnù, occorre pensarci. Bi英語言う方法

«Quanto a lasciar venire qui quegli

«Quanto a lasciar venire qui quegli gnomi di Gnù,
occorre pensarci. Bisogna che abbiano
un passaporto, che paghino la tassa d’immigrazione,
la carta da bollo, e poi ci vuole il permesso
dei vigili urbani, e quello delle guardie forestali,
e quello della capitaneria del porto...»

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
"As for leave to come here those gnomes of Gnu, you need to think about it. You have to have a passport, they pay the immigration tax the stamp, and then it takes the permission of the traffic police, and the foresters, and the harbour ...»
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"How come here to let those gnomes GNU,
you must think about it. I must have
a passport, they pay the immigration tax,
the stamped paper, and then it takes the permission
of the local police, and the ranger,
and that of the captaincy of the port ... "

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
"How to let come here those gnomes of Gnù,
need to think about it. They must be
a passport, which pay the fee of immigration,
paper from stamp duties and then we want permission
dei Vigili Urbani, and that of the rangers,
and that of Harbor Captainship..."

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