She Vitality sprang up from his heart so large laments: Enea on the high stern now safe to go took sleep, already well prepared things. To him it is offered in the dreams the image of God that he returned in the same face and again seemed admonish thus: in all similar to Mercury, it is the voice and the same color and blond hair and beautiful members of youth: "Son of goddess, you can continue the sleep in this situation,Or see what dangers then are around you, crazy, he felt the Zefiri expiry favorable? You machine trickery in heart and cruel crime, sure of dying, and energizes various storms of ire. Not fled from here in a hurry, while there is a chance to rush? Now you will see the sea shake of timber and blasted flames cruel, now the lidos bubbling in flames,If Aurora you seizes to linger on these lands Brace go, break the delay. It is always a varied and changing the woman". It is confused in the dark night. Then Aeneas terrified by the shadows sudden tears the body from sleep and spurs teammates rapid: "Be watchful, men, and sit to the oars; step lightly dissolve the sails.A god sent from high heaven behold again encourages us to hasten the escape, and cut the cords twisted. We follow you, holy among the gods, whoever he may be, and again rejoicing we obey the command. Oh, help us, help us benevolent and port from heaven star conducive." He said and extracts from its sheath the sword and blazing, contested the weapon, cut the moorings. Together with the same ardour takes all,They throw and run; they left the beaches, the sea, hidden beneath the fleets, striving cut the mousses and sweep out the blue.