1.1. Il totale delle decisioni
Il totale delle decisioni rese dalla Corte costituzionale nel 2012 è di 316. Si tratta di un dato inferiore a quello del 2011 (-7,60% rispetto alle 342 del 2011).
Nell’ultimo ventennio, il totale delle decisioni è sempre stato superiore alla soglia raggiunta quest’anno e solo in rare occasioni si è scesi al di sotto della quota di 350 decisioni. Ne discende una collocazione del numero di decisioni del 2012 nettamente al di sotto del valore medio (pari a 451,7) degli ultimi vent’anni.
Il grafico n. 1 illustra l’andamento quantitativo della produzione giurisprudenziale della Corte su base annua dal 1993. Da esso si coglie, tra l’altro, una progressiva contrazione del numero di decisioni: ponendo il 2003 come discrimen, gli anni più prossimi hanno registrato, rispetto agli antecedenti, numeri significativamente ridotti.
analysis of quantitative data
1.1. the total number of decisions
the total number of decisions made by the Constitutional Court in 2012 is 316. it is a given lower than in 2011 (-7.60% compared to 342 of 2011).
last two decades,the total number of decisions has always been higher than the threshold reached this year and only on rare occasions has fallen below the level of 350 decisions. it follows a place in the number of decisions of 2012 well below the mean value (equal to 451.7) over the last twenty years.
n the graph.1 illustrates the increase in quantity of production of case law of the court on an annual basis since 1993. from it grasps, inter alia, a gradual decline in the number of decisions: placing 2003 as discrimen, the next few years have recorded, compared to the antecedents, numbers significantly reduced.

1.1. The total number of decisions decisions total
made by the Constitutional Court in 2012 is 316. This is one less than the 2011 ( -7.60% compared to 342 of the 2011).
in the last two decades, the total number of decisions has always been above the threshold this year and reached only on rare occasions has dropped below 350 share decisions. It follows a number of placement decisions of 2012 sharply below the average value (equal to 451.7) of the last twenty years.
The graph 1 illustrates the trend in production quantity of case-law of the Court on an annual basis since 1993. From it you can, among other things, a progressive decline in the number of decisions: putting the 2003 as discrimen, the closest recorded, compared to before, significantly reduced numbers.

1.1 . The total number of decisions
The total of the decisions made by the constitutional Court in 2012 and 316. This is a less than the figure for 2011 (-7,60% compared to the 342 of 2011) .
In the last twenty years,The total number of decisions has always been greater than the threshold reached this year and only on rare occasions that fell below the share of 350 decisions. It follows a placement of the number of decisions of the 2012 well below the average value (equal to 451.7 ) for the last twenty years.
The graph n.1 Illustrates the trend the production quantity jurisprudence of the Court on an annual basis from 1993. It seizes, among other things, a progressive shrinking of the number of decisions: by placing the 2003 as discrimen, the years more next have recorded, with respect to the background, numbers significantly reduced.