E mentre parlava, il Ministro scivolò
su una gomma da masticare
che un altro Ministro aveva sputato per terra,
si ruppe le gambe, il labbro, il mento,
tutte e due le narici, la spalla, la testa
e gli rimasero le dita impigliate nelle orecchie,
che non riuscivano più a districarlo.
And as he spoke, he slid on a chewing gum that another Minister had spat on the ground, He broke his legs, lip, Chin, both nostrils, the shoulder, the head and remained entangled fingers in your ears, that could no longer to untangle it.

And as he spoke, the Minister slipped
out of a chewing gum
that another Minister had spat on the ground,
broke his legs, lip, chin,
both nostrils, his shoulder, his head
and his fingers were tangled in ears,
which were unable to extricate it.

And while he yet spake, the Minister slipped
on a chewing gum
that another Minister had ignored for earth,
broke his legs, the lip, the chin,
both nostrils, the shoulder, the head
and remained the fingers caught in the ears,
that could no longer to districarlo.