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La diminuzione dei valori assoluti

La diminuzione dei valori assoluti rispetto al passato è dovuta alla minore quantità di atti di promovimento, in particolare delle ordinanze di rimessione.
Con riguardo alle diverse tipologie di giudizio costituzionale, le 316 decisioni del 2012 sono così ripartite: 141 nel giudizio di legittimità costituzionale in via incidentale; 150 nel giudizio di legittimità costituzionale in via principale; 6 nel giudizio per conflitto di attribuzione tra Stato e Regioni e tra
Regioni; 13 in quello per conflitto tra poteri dello Stato, di cui 6 ordinanze emesse in sede di giudizio di
ammissibilità e 7 decisioni rese nella fase di merito; a completare il quadro, si pongono 1 decisione
sull’ammissibilità di richieste di referendum abrogativo e 5 ordinanze di correzione di errori materiali.
Tradotti questi valori in termini percentuali, si può notare come il giudizio incidentale riguardi il 44,62%
delle cause decise, superato dal giudizio in via principale che si è attestato a quota 47,46% delle
controversie decise nell’anno. Il restante contenzioso è così ripartito: l’1,9 % dei conflitti tra enti
territoriali, il 4,11% dei conflitti tra poteri dello Stato (di cui l’1,9 % è costituito da ordinanze emesse in
sede di giudizio di ammissibilità e il 2,21% da decisioni rese nella fase di merito), lo 0,31% dei giudizi
sull’ammissibilità di richieste di referendum abrogativo e l’1,6% di correzione di errori materiali.
Il grafico n. 2 illustra questi valori percentuali.
Grafico n. 2 – I tipi di giudizio nel 2012 (sul totale delle decisioni)
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
the decrease of the absolute values ​​than in the past is due to the smaller amount of acts of promotion, especially of referral orders.
with respect to the different types of constitutional review, the 316 decisions in 2012 are broken down as follows: 141 in the judgment of the constitutionality of incidentally, in the judgment of the constitutionality of 150 in the main street;6 in court for conflict of jurisdiction between state and regions and between regions
; 13 for the conflict between the powers of the state, of which 6 orders made during the trial eligibility and 7
of decisions made in the substantive stage, to complete the framework, they rank 1
Decision on the admissibility of requests for referendum and 5 orders of correction of clerical errors.
translated these values ​​in percentage terms, it can be seen as incidental judgment relates to the
44.62% of the cases decided, outweighed by the judgment in the main street, which stood at 47.46% of the share
disputes decided in the year. the remaining litigation is as follows: the 1, 9% of the conflicts between territorial authorities
, 4.11% conflict between the powers of the state (of which 19% are orders issued in
during the trial eligibility and 2.21% from decisions made in the merits stage), 0.31%
judgments on the admissibility of requests for referendum and 1, 6% correction of clerical errors.
n the graph. 2 illustrates these percentages.
Graph. 2 - the types of judgment in 2012 (the total number of decisions) by
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The decrease in absolute values than ever before due to fewer acts of promotion, especially of reparation orders.
with respect to different types of constitutional adjudication, the 316 decisions of 2012 are as follows: 141 in the judgement of the constitutional legitimacy indirectly; 150 in the judgement of the constitutional legality in the main street; 6 in trial for allocation conflict between State and regions and between
regions; 13 in the conflict between State powers, of which 6 orders in the judgement of eligibility and 7
decisions made on time; to complete the picture, there are 1 decision
on the admissibility of requests for recall referendum, referendum and 5 orders for correction of material errors.
Translated these values in percentage terms, you can see how the judgement affects the incidental 44.62%
cases decided, overtaken by the judgment in the main proceedings that it was at an altitude of 47.46% of decided cases in the year
. The remaining dispute is as follows: the 1.9% of conflicts between the territorial authorities
4.11% of conflict between State powers (including the 1,9% consists of ordinances issued in
eligibility judgment seat and the 2.21% from decisions made at the stage of merit), 0.31% of the reviews
on the admissibility of requests for recall referendum, referendum and 1.6% correction of material errors.
The graph 2 illustrates these percentages.
graph 2 – types of judgment in 2012 (the total of decisions)
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The decrease of the absolute values with respect to the past is due to the smaller amount of acts of promotion, in particular of the orders of uncollected.
With regard to the different types of constitutional judgment, the 316 decisions of 2012 are as follows: 141 in the judgment of constitutional legitimacy as an incidental; 150 in the judgment of constitutional legitimacy in main street.6 In the judgment for conflict of powers between the State and the regions and between
regions; 13 in the conflict between powers of the State, of which 6 orders issued in the judgment of
eligibility and 7 decisions made in step of merit; to complete the picture, is placed 1 decision
eligibility of requests for revocatory referendum and 5 orders for correction of clerical errors.
Translated these values in percentage terms, it can be seen as the judgment incidental concerns the 44.62 %
of the cases decided, exceeded by the judgment in main street that stood to share 47.46 % of
disputes decided in the year. The remaining litigation is divided as follows: 1.9 % of the conflicts between entities
territorial, the 4.11 % of the conflicts between powers of the State (of which the 1,9 % Consists of orders issued in
seat of judgment of eligibility and the 2.21 % by decisions made in the step of merit), the 0.31 % of the ratings
eligibility of requests for revocatory referendum and the 1.6 % correction of clerical errors.
The graph n. 2 Illustrates these percentage values.
Graph n. 2 - THE kinds of judgment in 2012 (on the total of the decisions)
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