Oggetto:Impiego pubblico - Norme della Provincia di Bolzano - Personal翻訳 - Oggetto:Impiego pubblico - Norme della Provincia di Bolzano - Personal英語言う方法

Oggetto:Impiego pubblico - Norme de

Impiego pubblico - Norme della Provincia di Bolzano - Personale svolgente funzioni dirigenziali a titolo di reggenza - Previsione che la misura prevista per la trasformazione dell'indennità di funzione in assegno personale e pensionabile è raddoppiata con decorrenza dall'assunzione delle funzioni dirigenziali - Contrasto con la normativa statale secondo cui nel triennio 2011-2013 il trattamento economico complessivo dei singoli dipendenti non può superare il trattamento spettante nel 2010 - Ricorso del Governo - Denunciata violazione della competenza legislativa statale nella materia concorrente del coordinamento della finanza pubblica, esorbitanza dai limiti statutari - Istanza di sospensione dell'esecuzione della legge censurata.
- Legge della Provincia di Bolzano 17 gennaio 2011, n. 1, art. 5, comma 9, che aggiunge il comma 12 all'art. 26 della legge della Provincia di Bolzano 23 aprile 1992, n. 10.
- Costituzione, art. 117, comma terzo; statuto della Regione Trentino-Alto Adige, artt. 8 e 9; d.l. 31 maggio 2010, n. 78, convertito, con modificazioni, nella legge 30 luglio 2010, n. 122, art. 9, comma 1.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
public employment - the rules of the province of Bolzano - Staff person performing managerial functions in respect of regency - forecast that the planned measure for the transformation of the function in the personal allowance and retirement has doubled with effect from the assumption of managerial functions - contrary to the regulations state that in 2011-2013 the treatmenttotal of individual employees can not exceed the treatment due in 2010 - the government's appeal - alleged violation of state legislative competence in matters of concurrent coordination of public finance,by exorbitant statutory limits - application for stay of execution of the contested law.
- Law of the province of Bolzano 17 January 2011, n. 1, art. 5, paragraph 9, which adds paragraph of Article 12. 26 of the law of the province of Bolzano April 23, 1992, n. 10.
- Constitution, art. 117, third paragraph, status of the region Trentino-Alto Adige, Art. 8 and 9; Decree Law 31 May 2010, n. 78,converted, with amendments, by Law of 30 July 2010, n. 122, art. 9, paragraph 1.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Public-use rules of the province of Bolzano-personnel performing managerial functions as a Regency-prediction that the envisaged measure for the transformation of the compensation function and personnel retirement allowance is doubled with effect from recruitment of managerial functions-contrast with the State legislation that in 2011-2013 treatment of individual employees cannot exceed the treatment expected in 2010-action of Government-Reported violation of State legislative competence in the matter of competitor of public finance, esorbitanza statutory limits-application for suspension of operation of the contested act.
-The law of the province of Bolzano, no. 1 January 17, 2011, art. 5, paragraph 9, which adds the comma article 12. 26 of the law of the province of Bolzano April 23, 1992, n. 10.
-The Constitution, art. 117, paragraph 3; Statute of the region Trentino-Alto Adige, arts. 8 and 9; d.l. May 31, 2010, no. 78, converted, with amendments, into law No 122 July 30, 2010, art. 9, par. 1.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Use by the public - Rules of the Province of Bolzano - Staff acting managerial functions by way of the regency - prediction that the measure provided for the transformation of the compensation function in personal check and retirement and doubled with effect from the recruitment of managerial functions - contrast with the state rules according to which the three-year period 2011-2013 the treatmentAssembly of the individual employees may not exceed the treatment accorded in 2010 - Action brought by the Government - Alleged violation of the competence state legislative matters in competitor of the coordination of public finance,From overspending on statutory limits - instance of suspension of execution of the law was censured.
- Law of the Province of Bolzano January 17, 2011, n. 1, Art. 5, Paragraph 9, which adds the paragraph 12 of article 26 The law of the Province of Bolzano April 23, 1992, n. 10.
- Constitution, article. 117, Third paragraph; statute of the Trentino-Alto Adige Region, articles. 8 And 9; d.l. may 31, 2010, n. 78,Converted, with modifications, in the law July 30, 2010, n. 122, Art. 9, Paragraph 1.

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