«E poi?» chiese EG, che in fondo si sentiva ormai
un poco imbarazzato.
«E poi noi siamo bravissimi a tenere in ordine
i prati e i giardini,
a piantare alberi nuovi
e a curare quelli vecchi che stanno per cadere,
ci mettiamo a raccogliere
tutta quella plastica e tutti quei barattoli
e diamo una sistemata alle vostre valli:
facciamo dei filtri di foglie per le vostre ciminiere,
spieghiamo alla gente della Terra
come è bello passeggiare senza dover sempre
prendere l’automobile, eccetera eccetera,
e magari dopo qualche anno
la vostra Terra diventa bella come Gnù.»
"And then?" asked EG, that deep down she felt now a little embarrassed. "And then we are very good at keeping lawns and gardens,to plant new trees and to treat old ones that are about to fall, We collect all that plastic and all those tins and give yourself up to your valleys: We make leaf filters for your chimneys, We explain to the people of the Earth How is lovely to walk without having to always take the car, etc etc, and maybe after a few years your Earth becomes as beautiful as Wildebeests.»

"And then?" Asked EG, which basically is now felt
a little embarrassed.
"And we are very good at keeping order in
the meadows and gardens,
planting new trees
and taking care of the old ones that are about to fall,
we begin to collect
all that plastic and all those cans
and give an arranged to your valleys:
do the filters of leaves for your smokestacks,
we explain to the people of Earth
as it is nice to walk around without having to
take the car, and so on,
and maybe after a few years
your Earth becomes beautiful like GNU. "