In via principale o d'azione [modifica | modifica sorgente]Il procedim翻訳 - In via principale o d'azione [modifica | modifica sorgente]Il procedim英語言う方法

In via principale o d'azione [modif

In via principale o d'azione [modifica | modifica sorgente]Il procedimento in via principale o di azione può essere attivato dallo Stato e dalle Regioni. L'art. 127 della Costituzione, così come modificato dalla legge costituzionale n. 3 del 2001, stabilisce infatti che «il Governo, quando ritenga che una legge regionale ecceda la competenza della Regione, può promuovere la questione di legittimità costituzionale dinanzi alla Corte costituzionale entro sessanta giorni dalla sua pubblicazione. La Regione, quando ritenga che una legge o un atto avente valore di legge dello Stato o di un'altra Regione leda la sua sfera di competenza, può promuovere la questione di legittimità costituzionale dinanzi alla Corte costituzionale entro sessanta giorni dalla pubblicazione della legge o dell'atto avente valore di legge».

Con la riforma del titolo V della Costituzione sono state parificate le armi processuali a disposizione dello Stato e delle Regioni, venendo meno la diversità di termini (trenta giorni per l'impugnazione regionale, sessanta per quella statale), il visto del Commissario del Governo e la relativa disciplina (con impugnazione successiva della legge statale, e preventiva di quella regionale). Per quanto riguarda invece il parametro costituzionale fatto valere, permane la differenza per cui lo Stato può impugnare la legge regionale per violazione di qualsiasi norma della Costituzione, mentre la Regione può impugnare la legge o un atto avente forza di legge dello Stato invocando unicamente la lesione delle proprie competenze costituzionalmente riconosciute (Corte costituzionale sent. n. 274/2003).

Estremamente rilevante, poi, è il disposto dell'art. 123 della Costituzione, il quale, dopo aver riconosciuto un'ampia autonomia statutaria alle Regioni, stabilisce che «il Governo della Repubblica può promuovere la questione di legittimità costituzionale sugli statuti regionali dinanzi alla Corte costituzionale entro trenta giorni dalla loro pubblicazione». In questo caso si tratta però di un ricorso preventivo - e non successivo come quello previsto per le leggi - in quanto il Governo è legittimato a impugnare gli Statuti entro trenta giorni dalla pubblicazione notiziale degli stessi (pubblicazione da cui decorrono i termini per la richiesta di referendum). Si è registrato, negli anni successivi alla riforma del titolo V della Costituzione, un ampio contenzioso vertente sulla legittimità costituzionale degli Statuti di numerose regioni, contenzioso dalla cui soluzione dipende l'effettiva configurazione dell'autonomia regionale nel nostro ordinamento.

Per quanto riguarda l'organo competente a proporre l'impugnazione, esso va individuato - a livello statale - nel Consiglio dei ministri, e - a livello regionale - nella Giunta regionale. L'impugnazione, pur dovendo precisare puntualmente i termini positivi della questione e formulare sinteticamente i motivi, costituisce espressione di valutazioni sia giuridiche sia politiche. Per il carattere personale e concreto del conflitto, poi, non sono configurabili controinteressati o altri intervenienti.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
in the main action or [edit | edit source] the proceedings in the main action or can be activated by the state and the regions. Article. 127 of the Constitution, as amended by Constitutional Law no. 3 of 2001, provides that "the government where it considers that a regional law exceeds the competence of the region,may raise the question of constitutionality before the Constitutional Court within sixty days from its publication. the region where it considers that a law or an act having the force of law of the state or another region affecting its sphere of competence,may raise the question of constitutionality before the Constitutional Court within sixty days from the publication of the law or the instruments having the force of law. "

with the reform of Title V of the Constitution have been officially recognized procedural weapons at the disposal of the state and regions, forgoing the diversity of terms (thirty days to appeal the regionalsixty one state), the approval of the Commissioner of the Government and the relevant discipline (with challenging a state law, and prior to that region). as regards the constitutional principle invoked, there remains a difference to which the state may appeal the regional law for breach of any provision in the Constitution,while the region may challenge a law or an act having the force of state law by invoking only the lesion of its powers constitutionally recognized (Constitutional Court sent. n. 274/2003).

extremely important, then, is the provisions of Article . 123 of the Constitution, which, after recognizing a broad statutory autonomy to the regions,states that "the government of the Republic may raise the question of the constitutionality of the regional statutes to the Constitutional Court within thirty days of their publication."in this case, however, a prior appeal - and not the next as that required for the laws - as the government is entitled to challenge the statutes within thirty days from the publication of the same notiziale (publication from which the term for lodging the request for referendum). there was, in the years following the reform of Title V of the Constitution,a large litigation alleging the constitutionality of statutes in many regions, litigation by the solution of which depends on the actual configuration of regional autonomy in our system.

with regard to the body competent for such an appeal, it must be identified - in state level - in the Council of Ministers,and - at regional level - the regional council. the appeal, despite having to specify precisely the positive terms of the issue and formulate concisely the reasons, it reflects both political and legal assessments. for personal and concrete of the conflict, then, are not configurable counterparties or other interveners.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In the main action or [review | modify source] proceedings in the main action or can be activated by the State and regions. L'art. 127 of the Constitution, as amended by Constitutional Act No. 3 of 2001, establishes that "the Government, when it considers that a regional law exceeds the competence of the region, can promote the question of constitutional legitimacy before the Constitutional Court within sixty days of its publication. The region, when it considers that a law or an act having legal value of the State or of another region affects its sphere of competence, can promote the question of constitutional legitimacy before the Constitutional Court within sixty days after the publication of the law or act having legal value. "

with the reform of title V of the Constitution Charter were procedural weapons at the disposal of the State and regions, kilter the diversity of terms (30 days for regional appeal, Sixty for that State), the Government's approval of the Commissioner and its discipline (with subsequent appeal of State law, and that regional preventive). As regards the constitutional parameter relied, the difference for which the State may appeal to the regional law for violation of any provision of the Constitution, While the region may appeal the law or act having the force of law the State invoking only the injury of constitutionally recognized skills (Constitutional Court sent no. 274/2003).

, Extremely relevant is the provisions of art. 123 of the Constitution, which, after recognizing a broad statutory autonomy to regions, provides that ' the Government of the Republic may promote the question of constitutional legitimacy on regional charters before the Constitutional Court within thirty days after their publication. In this case it is a preventive action, however-and the next not as that provided for the laws-as the Government is entitled to challenge the statutes within thirty days after the publication of notiziale (from which run the terms for the referendum request). There has been, in the years following the reform of title V of the Constitution, a broad litigation alleging the constitutional legitimacy of the statutes of many regions, litigation from which actual configuration depends on the solution of regional autonomy in our sort.

regarding the organ responsible for bringing an appeal, it must be identified-at the State level-in the Council of Ministers, and-at the regional level-in the Regional Council. The appeal, despite having to point out positive conditions on the question and formulate concisely the reasons, constitutes an expression of both legal and political assessments. For personal and practical character of the conflict, then, are not configurable controinteressati or other

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In main street or of action [Edit | change source]The process in main street or action can be activated by the State and the Regions. THE art. 127 Of the Constitution, as amended by constitutional law n. 3 Of 2001, states that "the government, when it considers that a regional law exceed the competence of the Region,Can promote the question of constitutional legitimacy before the Constitutional Court within sixty days of its publication. The Region, when he considers that a law or an act having a value of law of the State or another region leda its sphere of competence,Can promote the question of constitutional legitimacy before the Constitutional Court within sixty days of the date of publication of the law or of the act having a value of law" .

With the reform of Title V of the Constitution were officially recognized the procedural weapons available to the State and regions, being less than the diversity of terms (thirty days for the regional appeal,Sixty for the state), the visa of the Commissioner of the Government and the related discipline (with subsequent appeal of the law of the state, and prior to that regional). On the contrary, as regards the constitutional parameter relied on, there is still a difference to which the State may challenge the regional law for breach of any provision of the Constitution,While the region may challenge the law or an act having the force of law of the State by invoking only the lesion of its powers constitutionally recognized (Constitutional Court nr. 274/2003) .

extremely relevant, then, is the article. 123 Of the Constitution, which, after having recognized a wide autonomy statutes to the Regions,Stipulates that "the Government of the Republic can promote the question of constitutional legitimacy on regional statutes before the Constitutional Court within thirty days of their publication".In this case however, it is a preventative action - and not next as that required for the laws - in as much as the government is entitled to appeal against the Statutes within thirty days of the date of publication for information purposes of same (publication from which shall take effect on the terms for the request for referendum). It is registered, in the years following the reform of Title V of the Constitution,A large dispute concerning the constitutional legitimacy of the Statutes of many regions, litigation from the solution of which depends on the actual pattern of the regional autonomy in our sort.

as regards the competent body to propose the appeal, it must be identified - at the state level - in the Council of Ministers,And - at the regional level - in regional council. The appeal, despite having to specify punctually for positive terms of the question and formulate synthetically, constitutes expression of evaluations is legal policies. For the personal and concrete of the conflict, then, are not configurable controinteressati or other interveners.

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