In main street or of action [Edit | change source]The process in main street or action can be activated by the State and the Regions. THE art. 127 Of the Constitution, as amended by constitutional law n. 3 Of 2001, states that "the government, when it considers that a regional law exceed the competence of the Region,Can promote the question of constitutional legitimacy before the Constitutional Court within sixty days of its publication. The Region, when he considers that a law or an act having a value of law of the State or another region leda its sphere of competence,Can promote the question of constitutional legitimacy before the Constitutional Court within sixty days of the date of publication of the law or of the act having a value of law" .
With the reform of Title V of the Constitution were officially recognized the procedural weapons available to the State and regions, being less than the diversity of terms (thirty days for the regional appeal,Sixty for the state), the visa of the Commissioner of the Government and the related discipline (with subsequent appeal of the law of the state, and prior to that regional). On the contrary, as regards the constitutional parameter relied on, there is still a difference to which the State may challenge the regional law for breach of any provision of the Constitution,While the region may challenge the law or an act having the force of law of the State by invoking only the lesion of its powers constitutionally recognized (Constitutional Court nr. 274/2003) .
extremely relevant, then, is the article. 123 Of the Constitution, which, after having recognized a wide autonomy statutes to the Regions,Stipulates that "the Government of the Republic can promote the question of constitutional legitimacy on regional statutes before the Constitutional Court within thirty days of their publication".In this case however, it is a preventative action - and not next as that required for the laws - in as much as the government is entitled to appeal against the Statutes within thirty days of the date of publication for information purposes of same (publication from which shall take effect on the terms for the request for referendum). It is registered, in the years following the reform of Title V of the Constitution,A large dispute concerning the constitutional legitimacy of the Statutes of many regions, litigation from the solution of which depends on the actual pattern of the regional autonomy in our sort.
as regards the competent body to propose the appeal, it must be identified - at the state level - in the Council of Ministers,And - at the regional level - in regional council. The appeal, despite having to specify punctually for positive terms of the question and formulate synthetically, constitutes expression of evaluations is legal policies. For the personal and concrete of the conflict, then, are not configurable controinteressati or other interveners.